CHANGES between my patches: Version 2_cjc_2: (Feb 16, 2001) - used my improved SCSI code from my latest userspace driver. - changed the SCSI addressing mechanism. - made updates to how I pack and unpack FAS packets to maximize utilized space Version 2: (Jan 19, 2001) - merged the cdscsid code into the cdetherd.c file for easier future porting. - added ALL the STS unit information, thanks to Digi! CHANGES to regular els packages: Version 2_cjc_2: (against els-1.02-1: Feb 16, 2001) Everything from Version 2 below, and in addition: Makefile: - added "scsi_iface" and "scsi_tools" sections. els.c: - ported to Linux 2.4.x - changed wait_queue variables & initialization - re-initialized tty unit_read/write functions - changed some schedule loops to use ct_delay to reduce system time usage during timers. - added modules parameters "unit_wait" and "unit_gone" so that users can tune how long things wait before timing out. - added module author & description tags. - possibly corrected one or two bugs in how lines are shutdown and initialized. cdutils.h: - changed "NOP" to "CDNOP" to not conflict with scsi.h. - updated the RPM spec file to release "2_cjc_2" Version 2: (against els-1.02-1: Jan 19, 2001) Makefile: - added "cdscsid" program and man pages - corrected a few non-serious ${} typos to $() README.STS: - added this file cdetherd.c: - merged the cdscsid changes into this file, so that both cdetherd and cdscsid can be built from the same source file. cdscsid.1: - created this file from the cdetherd.1 man page. els.c: - added "Unloaded" kernel message - added "scsiTerminal" initialization kernel message (els.spec): - changed release number to "2" - added SCSI note - added cdscsid executable and manpage to build list release.notes: - Fixed a common grammar error sts.c: - All the SCSI handling routines for cdscsid.c. This file is from my user-space pty/sts driver. sts.h: - defines I need for dealing with FAS commands and SCSI commands. Things in sts.h are sometimes duplicated in fas.h. This file is from my user-space pty/sts driver. sts_unittab.c: - added all the STS unit information that Digi gave me! - added the 38400 baud settings sts_unittab.h: - Added awareness for a maximum baud rate of 38400. - trick els by defining SFC_STD as SFC_ETH Version 1: (against els-A-7, 08/12/2000) sts.h: - defines I need for dealing with FAS commands and SCSI commands. Things in sts.h are sometimes duplicated in fas.h. This file is from my user-space pty/sts driver. sts.c: - All the SCSI handling routines for cdscsid.c. This file is from my user-space pty/sts driver. cdscsid.c: - created this file from the cdetherd.c tool. Most code changes to cdetherd.c should be in "STS_CODE" defines. cdscsid.1 - created this file from the cdetherd.1 man page. Changed whatever needed changing. :) Makefile: - added "cdscsid" program and man page els.h: - Turned off tracing (added 64k to the driver size...) els.c: - Fixed a semi-serious bug in the els.o driver itself where it returns in the middle of processing FAS packets. - Added awareness of the TIOCOUTQ and TIOCINQ ioctls. - Added an "unloaded" note when unloading the module. sts_unittab.c: - Started adding STS model information to the list. - Added awareness for a maximum baud rate of 38400. Feb 16, 2001 ---- Kees Cook