Hello! I'm Kees Cook, an Ubuntu Developer, Security Team member, and Canonical employee. This presentation is about how to run the development version of Ubuntu (currently Lucid) and how to get yourself out of jams. The slides I'll be using to keep me on topic come from 2007, and I'll update a few links as I go. Nearly everything still applies, but just mentally swap in "Lucid" when you see "Gutsy". :) They are here: http://outflux.net/ul07/bleeding-edge.pdf (or .odp if you want the raw slides) [SLIDE 1] The bulk of this content was written by cjwatson; I just cleaned them up. Blame me for any mistakes, though. :) [SLIDE 2] [SLIDE 3] [SLIDE 4] [SLIDE 5] [SLIDE 6] [SLIDE 7] [SLIDE 8] [SLIDE 9] [SLIDE 10] [SLIDE 11] [SLIDE 12] [SLIDE 13] [SLIDE 14] [SLIDE 15] [SLIDE 16] [SLIDE 17] [SLIDE 18] [SLIDE 19] [SLIDE 20] [SLIDE 21] [SLIDE 22] [SLIDE 23] [SLIDE 24] [SLIDE 25] [SLIDE 26] [SLIDE 27] [SLIDE 28] [SLIDE 29] [SLIDE 30]