Go here to download.

Latest version is 0.9.0.
$Id: index.html,v 1.3 2003/12/28 18:51:11 nemesis Exp $

The README file says:

imaverage   (im-av'-er-age)

This tool was designed to track how long someone views an image.  The database
is simple: a list of images, their time spent viewed, and how many times
they've been viewed.

imaverage uses "xv" as the image viewer, since I haven't found anything else
that I can interact with that easily.  Basically, imaverage loops through
the database, and if an image hasn't been viewed, views it to get a base
preference.  Once all the images have been viewed, the ones with the highest
preferences will float to the top (time view / number of times viewed).  If
an image gets viewed too much, the view time will drop (the user gets bored
seeing the same image so frequently).

The goal here is to build general dynamic frequency information for the any
of the images.  I'm not really sure what all the possible uses are for this,
but at least it's kind of the starting point for developing a system that can
identify your image preferences based on real-life data.

To get started, make a mysql database, and put the information into the
"sql-attach.pl" file (username, password, database, etc).  Then build
the database using the db template I've included (create-mysql.txt):

	mysql -u USER -p DATABASE < create-mysql.txt

Then install it:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install

The two useful tools are "load-imaverage-files" and "imaverage".  Both of
these tools were designed to always run out of the same directory, 
unfortunately.  Basically, I have all my images in a directory called
"/projects/images", so I just operate out of there.  For example, if you


You'd do this to set up the database contents:

	cd /projects/images
	load-imaverage-files data

Now all the images will be loaded with "data" being their relative path
name.  When you run imaverage:


It'll start showing you images.  Since this tool depends on "xv", to get to
the next image, you need to "q"uit out of xv, and imaverage will move on.
If you Ctrl-C imaverage, it'll stop moving on to the next image.  Also, there
is a built-in time-out of 60 seconds.  If you don't do anything, it'll stop
moving forward; it assumes you've walked away or gone to sleep.

Dig around in the source code.  It could deal with lots of improvements,
I'm sure.  Right now, it works great for me and the 4200 images I sift

Kees Cook