This jumped out as an op-code comparison. First step was to figure out which
assembly instruction it was:
$ echo -ne "\xEB\xFE" | ndisasm -
00000000 EBFE jmp short 0x0
To compare this to another architecture, we needed to have a good description
of specifically what this instruction does. The clearest description was
"unconditional jump to relative offset returning to current instruction".
Basically, loop forever.
PPC doesn't use "jmp" instructions; it uses "branch" instructions instead.
While digging out the PPC assembly references, we generated a few branch
instructions in assembly and fed them to a PPC compiler and stared at them
in gdb. Soon we found "unconditional branch to relative address 0": "b $+0".
Dumping the bytes, this was \x48\x00\x00\x00.