codeblog code is freedom — patching my itch

May 6, 2005

O’Reilly OSCon ’05

Filed under: Blogging — kees @ 7:32 am

I am so excited! I’m going to be a speaker at OSCon this year. I’ve never been a speaker anywhere! I’m gonna be so nervous it’s insane. I really hope it all goes well, but I still think it’s intimidating to be surrounded by so many experts in so many fields. I know I have a lot of email/spam/filtering experience (and a little Python), but there are plenty of other people who have more. I just happen to be talking about it. I hope they don’t beat me up during my talks. :) If I teach one thing to one person, I’ll see it as a success. I’d suspect I’m going to learn a lot too. “Why didn’t you do it this way?” “Uh, because I didn’t think of it! Thanks!”

Oh, so nervous. Yeow.

© 2005, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

1 Comment

  1. Congrats!!! Others may know more, but they picked you and you have the credentials to impress. Don’t worry about that part.

    If you are making slides, remember the rule of thumb: one slide per minute. And err on the side of brevity always.

    lots of presentation advice if you want it,

    Comment by amber — May 6, 2005 @ 8:39 am

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