Literally an hour after I finished figuring out how to build a Google Maps site (and having Ken help me with CSS hell), Google goes and changes the API and releases documentation. Aagh.
Google retains the right to put advertising on the map in the future.
Like, as a second overlay? Because I can’t see how this would work in the main overlay, considering users can define their own “info” contents for their XSLT. In-map advertising seems like a silly idea. Since everything is currently rendered in the browser, Google is going to have a hard time controlling what people display. I was hoping they’d go the route of making money off this by making people’s sites really really awsome, and then those people would buy advertising from Google directly due to their huge volume of traffic. I guess we’ll see…
© 2005, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.