codeblog code is freedom — patching my itch

April 25, 2008

Farwell Edgy

Filed under: Blogging,Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 6:39 pm

Edgy is now officially at end-of-life.

Looking back through my build logs, I can see that my desktop spent 55 hours, 14 minutes, and 3 seconds on 406 builds related to edgy-security updates I was involved in publishing. These times obviously don’t include patch hunting/development, failed builds, testing, stuff done on my laptop or the porting machines, etc. Comparing to my prior post on this topic, here are the standings for other releases:

dapper: 44:48:24
feisty: 58:49:04
gutsy: 37:06:08
hardy: 86:25:58

Hmm… I think my hardy numbers include devel builds times… I’ll have to sort that out. :)

Thank you Edgy! I will remember you for your wonderful default -fstack-protector.

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

April 5, 2008

getting Xv on the projector

Filed under: Ubuntu — kees @ 4:22 pm

Today I spent the afternoon testing various video drivers and hardware with Bryce. My “workflow” for watching a movie from my laptop on a projector in Hardy is much simpler now. :) For ATI, everything Just Works, with one small exception: Xv. By default (at least with the open ATI driver), the Xv port displays to the LCD on the laptop instead of out an attached VGA port. This is controlled by the “XV_CRTC” Xv attribute, which is settable with the “xvattr” utility.

To watch a movie:

  • Plug in projector
  • Open System/Preferences/Screen Resolution
  • Pick nice big resolution for the attached projector
  • Run “xvattr -a XV_CRTC -v 1” (“-v 0” will push Xv back to the LCD)
  • Eat popcorn


© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

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